Wednesday, January 8, 2014

assignment - January 8th (Wednesday) - Photoshop exploration

You have all worked with Photoshop in the beginning (when we altered colors, contrast, image size, curves, etc), and recently to create the illusion of a double negative. Here is what I would like you to do today. Be prepared to share your new skill on Friday.

FYI - Since I'm not here, we won't be able to get into the cabinet for the cameras. You will be checking out cameras for your "double exposure" project this weekend. That'll give you at least 2 days to get some good material. Therefore no one will be checking out cameras today.

Assignment for today:
Before we get into layers more, I would like each of you to "explore" Photoshop. Go past what you already know. This kind of learning sometimes the most difficult, because usually in school you are shown/told step by step how something should be. Instead, this little assignment will require you to be pro-active for your own learning. Some of the computers have Photoshop CS2, some have Photoshop 6.0. Search the internet for any Photoshop tutorials. or, just upload one of your photos and play around with the program. Your goal is to learn how to do something new, and you'll be sharing it with the group on Friday.

Once you have learned how to do something new from exploring/playing around with Photoshop, I'd like you to post your instructions on your blog. Be as descriptive as you can, almost like the reader knows nothing about Photoshop. Post a "before and after" photo of what have done. Please do not go the easy route, try a few things first before posting!

If don't don't know where to start, play around with the filters. At the top of the Photoshop screen you'll see:
File    Edit   Image   Layer    Select    Filter   View    Window    Help  

Click here for some helpful info:

When you have posted your assignment, you may use the program more, or work on homework.

Dario- we will take care of your Scholastic registration tomorrow, or you can at least start your registration process at:

Same goes for anyone who may submit photography to Scholastic (Brist, I think I talked to you about this as well).

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