Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Tips for Success
Remember to look for a STRONG COMPOSITION. Don’t just place your subject in the middle of the viewfinder.
Think outside of the box! We all tell stories a different way – each and every person sees life from a different angle. DON’T GIVE ME THE OBVIOUS.
Remember to check the setting you’re on. Are you on Manual (that’ll be more work, but you’ll have more control!), or the No Flash setting (Mrs. Park’s fav), the Portrait setting (good for the head shot one), etc?


Your images are due on TUESDAY, Feb 18th. Be prepared to upload your images on Tuesday. You are to select your BEST photo from each category. How many photos you take to get the image you're finally happy with is up to you. If you took any pictures with your smartphone, make sure to e-mail yourself your photos ahead of time.

Each photo per category is worth 5 points for being uploaded on Tuesday.

1.     Good Morning: Just give us a view of your morning. Is it hectic or relaxing, involve work, commutes, breakfast? What’s going on for your in the morning?
2.     Headshot: Just from the neck up for this one. Try for a living human being subject, whether yourself or someone else. If you can find a model willing to pose for you, great.
3.     Landscapes/Nature/Trees: You may not live in a rural area, so you can try a park if you’re a city dweller. Black and white or color will be accepted.
4.     Hands. Yup, that’s it.
5.     From a High Angle: Take your shot from above!
6.     From a Low Angle: Take your shot from below!
7.     A Bad Habit: We all have ‘em.
8.     A Childhood Memory: Dig deep for this one! It should be something that is vivid in your mind, whether good, bad or ugly (or lovely!).
9.     Someone You Love: You can be in or out of the shot.
10.  Eyes: However you see it.
11.  Shoes: Some of us are obsessed with these.
12.  Broken: This can be an item, a feeling, or an event.
13.  Technology: Must be something nifty. NO PICTURES OF YOUR SMARTPHONE ALLOWED.
14.  Silhouette: Play with the shadows.
15.  Faceless Self Portrait: Who are you?
16.  Food: All things yummy! Think about depth of field for this one!
17.  Tranquility: This could be a scene, a person, animal, or any other way you envision the theme.
18.  Fierce: Attitude is a state of mind.
19.  Light: It can be actual lighting that you find beautiful, reflections of light, or something you want to bring light to.
20.  Yourself with 13 things: However you want!
21.  Elderly: This one explains itself.
22.  Speed: catch it if you can.
23.  Close-up: Practice your depth of field and ZOOM IN!
24.  Construction: You can stage it if you have to, but an actual scene is better.
25.  Jesus: Where do you see him? At the dinner table? In the sunset? The people who care for you?
26.  Justice: feel strongly about something?

27.  Strength: This can be in words, posture, or those really heavy weights in the weight room…

thanks to this teacher for the inspiration!

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