Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Alphabet Photography (in progress)

A (Asymmetry)

B (Bocce ball)

C (Cactus)

D (Drainage)

E (Emily Sherwood)

F (Fog)

G (Grandpa Max)

H (Hop)

I (Instructions)

J (Jump!)


L (Light)

M (Magenta)

N (Neighbors)

O (Obituary) This past wednesday I received news that my 98 year old Great Grandmother passed away. She loved Jesus, life, and the color pink. This pink flower is currently posted at my kitchen window.

P (Paul)

Q (Quirky)

R (Reflection)

S (Summertime)

T (Trust)

U (Unafraid)

V (Van Zoens)

W (Waterfall)


Y (Youth)


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Alphabet brainstorming list (for Park).....

Alphabet brainstorming example...

A  arbor lodge neighborhood
B baking  bees  bloom bridges brushes "that's so BOSS."
C  cooking cookies  chocolate ceramic
D  Depressed  dumplings  Dejango (friend's pet) downtown
E  Ear   eating eggs (I want pet chickens!)
F  Fish  fight  flowers
G gardening   Green Zebra (the store)
H home  hopscotch
I ill   illusion  ice cream maker
J  jump jack-in-the
K   Kenton  Korean chopsticks,
L laughing lights lattes Launa
M  Mom money
N naps NO Neon nighttime
O oven light
P pie  Paloma Paul  Park pancakes paint
Q quitting quiet
R  runners right
S skip skates soda
T the taste (the show)  trees
U under underglaze
V Vinson Viking
W white walls  whales
X   xanthan-gum (for gluten free baking)
Y You YES Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Z  Zipper

Friday, February 28, 2014

Foreshortening - Due Monday March 3rd

Remember that your Foreshortening Photograph is DUE Monday, March 3rd at the beginning of class!

You will have time Monday to upload your image, but it needs to be 100% ready.

WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT COPY ANY OF THE EXAMPLES I SHOWED YOU IN CLASS. If you copy, you'll be required to re-do the project.

Your image needs to be clear and in focus - 25 pts.

Consideration of lighting - do not just "point and shoot". Select a place where you can create an interesting image. - 25 points

Original idea - 50 points

Your image needs to show foreshortening by having two objects in the photograph. If you need a reminder for examples, click here.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rule of Thirds

Alright Crew:

Just in time for our scavenger hunt (the big one), we'll talk about Rule of Thirds. Visit these sites first, and then we'll meet at a group.

Our goal today is for you to practice the rule of thirds, and posting your top 3 photos.

First Site

Second Site

How to do this with your smartphone...


Tips for Success
Remember to look for a STRONG COMPOSITION. Don’t just place your subject in the middle of the viewfinder.
Think outside of the box! We all tell stories a different way – each and every person sees life from a different angle. DON’T GIVE ME THE OBVIOUS.
Remember to check the setting you’re on. Are you on Manual (that’ll be more work, but you’ll have more control!), or the No Flash setting (Mrs. Park’s fav), the Portrait setting (good for the head shot one), etc?


Your images are due on TUESDAY, Feb 18th. Be prepared to upload your images on Tuesday. You are to select your BEST photo from each category. How many photos you take to get the image you're finally happy with is up to you. If you took any pictures with your smartphone, make sure to e-mail yourself your photos ahead of time.

Each photo per category is worth 5 points for being uploaded on Tuesday.

1.     Good Morning: Just give us a view of your morning. Is it hectic or relaxing, involve work, commutes, breakfast? What’s going on for your in the morning?
2.     Headshot: Just from the neck up for this one. Try for a living human being subject, whether yourself or someone else. If you can find a model willing to pose for you, great.
3.     Landscapes/Nature/Trees: You may not live in a rural area, so you can try a park if you’re a city dweller. Black and white or color will be accepted.
4.     Hands. Yup, that’s it.
5.     From a High Angle: Take your shot from above!
6.     From a Low Angle: Take your shot from below!
7.     A Bad Habit: We all have ‘em.
8.     A Childhood Memory: Dig deep for this one! It should be something that is vivid in your mind, whether good, bad or ugly (or lovely!).
9.     Someone You Love: You can be in or out of the shot.
10.  Eyes: However you see it.
11.  Shoes: Some of us are obsessed with these.
12.  Broken: This can be an item, a feeling, or an event.
13.  Technology: Must be something nifty. NO PICTURES OF YOUR SMARTPHONE ALLOWED.
14.  Silhouette: Play with the shadows.
15.  Faceless Self Portrait: Who are you?
16.  Food: All things yummy! Think about depth of field for this one!
17.  Tranquility: This could be a scene, a person, animal, or any other way you envision the theme.
18.  Fierce: Attitude is a state of mind.
19.  Light: It can be actual lighting that you find beautiful, reflections of light, or something you want to bring light to.
20.  Yourself with 13 things: However you want!
21.  Elderly: This one explains itself.
22.  Speed: catch it if you can.
23.  Close-up: Practice your depth of field and ZOOM IN!
24.  Construction: You can stage it if you have to, but an actual scene is better.
25.  Jesus: Where do you see him? At the dinner table? In the sunset? The people who care for you?
26.  Justice: feel strongly about something?

27.  Strength: This can be in words, posture, or those really heavy weights in the weight room…

thanks to this teacher for the inspiration!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Digital Photography Final

Hi Crew,

Here we are - last week before the end of the semester! Your Digital Photography Final will be made up of 3 portions where you will focus on your 5 Minute Walk assignment and getting creative with an old photo:

You will have about 25 minutes per section, as our class is 90 minutes long.

30 points - Story of your 5 minute walk
Use as much descriptive language as possible, tell us a story of your five minute walk. Describe how you felt, what you were thinking, what you discovered...and make it creative. It can be real-to-life, or you're going to breathe some extra life into your 5 minute walk. Make up a story. Have fun. You need to have at least 15-20 sentences.

Photography Reflection - 30 points -  I will hand out a worksheet that has multiple photography assessment questions on it. Please answer with complete sentences, and remember to use the Elements of Design (line, shape, texture, value, form, color) in your language. Make it even better, and use the Principles of Design (contrast, unity, repetition/pattern, etc. Use 3 photographs you have posted on your blog as examples when discussing your work.

30 points - Make it Creative -  Take a photograph you took at the very beginning of the year, and CHANGE IT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE AND MAKE IT INTERESTING! You now know how to use a camera well, you know a bit about Photoshop, and you have a creative mind. Post this creative photograph-altered-image on your blog. Use the photoshop skills to do what you want!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

instructions: background for Photo collage (5 min walk)

To create your background box:

Open Adobe Photoshop
File  - click “New”
Name “Five Minute Walk” – make sure size is at inches (not pixels)
Set your size – for example, 10 inches by 10 inches
Resolution – 300 dpi
Click “OK”
A White box will appear
On the left, click on the box icon
Select a color (color box, at the top, currently black. Click to change) This will be your box image color
Click top left of your white box
Click and drag down from to Left to bottom Right

When you let go of the mouse, your box should fill with your selected color

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

assignment - January 8th (Wednesday) - Photoshop exploration

You have all worked with Photoshop in the beginning (when we altered colors, contrast, image size, curves, etc), and recently to create the illusion of a double negative. Here is what I would like you to do today. Be prepared to share your new skill on Friday.

FYI - Since I'm not here, we won't be able to get into the cabinet for the cameras. You will be checking out cameras for your "double exposure" project this weekend. That'll give you at least 2 days to get some good material. Therefore no one will be checking out cameras today.

Assignment for today:
Before we get into layers more, I would like each of you to "explore" Photoshop. Go past what you already know. This kind of learning sometimes the most difficult, because usually in school you are shown/told step by step how something should be. Instead, this little assignment will require you to be pro-active for your own learning. Some of the computers have Photoshop CS2, some have Photoshop 6.0. Search the internet for any Photoshop tutorials. or, just upload one of your photos and play around with the program. Your goal is to learn how to do something new, and you'll be sharing it with the group on Friday.

Once you have learned how to do something new from exploring/playing around with Photoshop, I'd like you to post your instructions on your blog. Be as descriptive as you can, almost like the reader knows nothing about Photoshop. Post a "before and after" photo of what have done. Please do not go the easy route, try a few things first before posting!

If don't don't know where to start, play around with the filters. At the top of the Photoshop screen you'll see:
File    Edit   Image   Layer    Select    Filter   View    Window    Help  

Click here for some helpful info:

When you have posted your assignment, you may use the program more, or work on homework.

Dario- we will take care of your Scholastic registration tomorrow, or you can at least start your registration process at:

Same goes for anyone who may submit photography to Scholastic (Brist, I think I talked to you about this as well).